Climate Resilience Project

Spotligth Climate Issues

In 2020, due to sea incursions and surges, nearly 2000 people — with a population of approximately 26,000 — were displaced and 200 homes destroyed in the Aiyetoro coastal community, Ondo state, Nigeria. This is however not an isolated case, as several communities on Nigeria’s 850 km coastline face threats of extinction by the rising sea levels despite several calls for assistance which have proved abortive. 

Given the depth of this issue and its adverse effects on inhabitants of the affected communities remains inadequately reported, documented and advocated for by youths, journalists, researchers and advocates.  Our project aims to spotlight these issues and proffer solutions. 


In order to proactively tackle the paucity of knowledge and solicited support for these plagued coastal communities, DANI Africa, through her “Climate Resilience Media Project”, will first, produce a toolkit for journalists to effectively report on sea level rise and build climate resilience for these communities. 

Secondly, organize a capacity building workshop for journalists, researchers and climate advocates. Out of which selected participants will be commissioned to write and publish climate stories, research and implement advocacy campaigns within a specified timeframe. These reports, plus concomitant efforts will be used to produce a documentary all in a bid to seek assistance. 

  • Toolkit development 
  • Capacity building 
  • Investigative and research reports 
  • Advocacy campaigns 
  • Short documentary production 
  • Media engagement